Communion Resources

Posted on January 16, 2019.
Communion resources original

Communion Resources

This is a great resource for snow days where we can’t meet together for church or for when you want to take communion together with your family or small group.

Step 1: Gather resources ahead of time.

If you’re expecting weather to keep you from getting to church, then make sure you have the ingredients or supplies needed to take communion ahead of time. Supplies can be purchased at any grocery store and even at some convenience stores (CVS, Walgreens, etc.).


  1. Simple Communion Bread Recipe Or you can purchase matzah at most grocery stores (check the International isle or kosher isle).
  2. Grape juice or wine (100% grape juice is best, make sure you check the label!)
  3. If you’re having a meal (or “love feast” as some of the early Christians would call it) as communion, make sure you grab all other ingredients for that meal together.

Step 2: Plan Your Time

In my opinion, a loose, but purposeful time, is better, but plan as you see fit for your group or family.

If you have young children or teens, some prep before hand may be helpful if time permits to help them see the value of what this time. For young Christians, I would strongly suggest a one-on-one time to study out together communion. Here are good studies to do with a young Christian to help them better understand communion.

For the actual communion time other things to consider:

  1. PRAY! Ask God to guide all you do and for it to benefit those who join you. Ask for this to be bonding and memorable time. 
  2. Preparing your guests by telling them what to expect or if you’ll be asking for everyone to share, give them a topic to consider and to share.
  3. Invite others to join you! Sometimes church is not something people may want to join, but having church in your home may be a great introduction or impact  to neighbors and friends who are not as eager about church. 
  4. If it's a snow day, please consider serving your neighbors (or those you know who are elderly or unable to shovel their own areas) by helping them shovel or shoveling their sidewalk or driveway and then invited them to your time together. 
  5. Preparing some songs for song worship. You can use Spotify (get lyrics printed ahead of time) or Youtube (some youtube worship sings have lyrics in the video!). Make a play list so you don’t have to search for each song.
  6. Prepare a main message if you only have one speaker. Get advice and pray about the message God's put on your heart. Be open to something mildly or strongly interactive (whether you plan it or not!) whenever you host something at your house. Practice! 
  7. If it’s a group discussion or group sharing, plan some good questions that can help people think or foster sharing if they’re not prepared to share or not sure about what to share (like, “What impacts you about the cross? Or How has the cross impacted you? Or What’s something you’ve been learning that reminds you about Jesus’ sacrifice? Or What are you most thankful about regarding Jesus’ sacrifice for you?, etc.)

Hope this is helpful! If you need any input or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out for help. I'd be glad to help you prepare in any way. 

- Phat Vuong

For a printable version, please visit the Google Doc version of this article
